Hours: We are open 24/7

2412 21st St., Tuscaloosa, AL 35401



According to Energy Star, anywhere from 20-30% of the air you are paying for is being wasted in the ductwork. Holes, leaks, or poor connections, the air ducts promote air loss in residential and commercial spaces. Smaller, more flexible ductwork fitted into the home or business reduces the energy loss significantly. This new technology allows the heating and air conditioning to regulate the room temperature quickly. Due to the smaller interior duct, there is faster airflow, increased home comfort, and a decrease in the monthly bills. For high-velocity heating and air conditioning information, call or use the contact form on our website!

High Velocity HVAC System Service from Bradberry Service Company, Inc.

Easy installation, superior humidity control, improved aesthetics, and quieter operation are some of the more appealing benefits of a high-velocity heating and air system. This system can remove 30% more humidity than a traditional system, making it a more effective cooling solution. Don’t hesitate to reach out to Bradberry Service Company, Inc. to get the process started. Years of industry experience, an A+ BBB rating, and NATE-certified technicians create a winning combination for your new installation project.

We’re Here to Maintain Your Sensitive Systems

Energy efficiency is a concern for both home and business owners. Nobody wants to spend more than necessary. A great way to cut costs is to look at your HVAC equipment and upgrade to something more effective. High-velocity heating and air conditioning systems are non-invasive for older homes and show a significant increase in home comfort immediately after installation.

High Velocity Heating System, High Velocity HVAC & High Velocity AC System Tuscaloosa, AL, Northport, AL, Cottondale, AL, Brookwood, AL, Coaling, AL & Coker, AL

High Velocity AC System in Tuscaloosa, AL | High Velocity Heating System Northport, AL | High Velocity HVAC Cottondale, AL

High Velocity HVACHigh Velocity Heating SystemHigh Velocity AC System ∴ Brookwood, AL ∴ Northport, AL ∴ Coaling, AL

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Tuscaloosa Born & Bred

As your trusted local HVAC company, we take pride in serving our community with personalized solutions, reliable service, and a commitment to your year-round comfort.

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Samantha, AL

Vance, AL

Woodmont, AL

Moundville, AL